Python is a high level interpreted, interactive, and object-oriented programming language created by Guido Rossum in 1989. Like Perl, Python programming language used to generate web application and desktops Graphical User Interface. Python is one of the scripting languages which were ideally, designed for prototyping of complex applications. Python can interface with many OS systems, libraries and extensible languages like C and C++. The top companies in the world like NASA, Google, YouTube etc works on Python Programming language for their web applications.

Python software mainly developed for code readability and representation of its syntax allows programmers to express the concept in minimum lines of code. Python has started evolving its new versions every year from 1994 to 2019. The different version of Python along with the timeline is Python 1.0, Python 1.5, Python 1.6, Python 2.0, Python 2.2, Python 2.1, Python 2.3, Python 2.4, Python 2.5, Python 2.6, Python 2.7, Python 3.0, and Python 3.2 and so on, the latest version is 3.7.3. This programming language is utilized for developing, generating, scripting and software testing. Many coding languages like  Ruby, Boo, Cobra and Groovy were inspired by the python language.

Python is an open-source and cross-platform programming language which used to build Artificial Intelligence Algorithm. It is a great beginner’s programmer language which supports the improvement of an application from simple text to browser and games. Python is very similar to  PERL and PHP in executing its runtime by the interpreter.  Python is easy-to-learn, easy-to-read and easy-to-maintain the source code.

In a recent survey, Python is one of the popular programming languages amongst other languages. It is versatile in all types of platforms and 5 times faster than Java. With the growing popularity, Python has a large community of developers across the world with skilled professionals and also offers a variety of libraries and packages for Machine Learning.

Students can choose Python training without having any programming background and software programmer who wants to start their career from scratch. This online training provides complete knowledge from basic level to advance level.

• Fresher’s

• Developers, Software engineers

• Data Scientist
